HUGE sale 50% OFF Everything on FREE Shipping too! Limited quantities available! Banzai Racing Equipment (BRE): @zen67com My New Datsun (Nissan) S...
Have you ever thought about why you have 2 ears and only 1 mouth? It's logical to believe we are made to listen 2x more than we speak... but that's not an easy ...
It's easy to get in the trap of thinking that everyone has more than you.. everyone is better than you... essentially the grass is greener next door" is away of...
My friend Adam has a beautiful Miami Vice white on white Testarossa that is all original; a purist's dream.. I wonder what he thinks of my JDM inspired Kaido Ra...
◆ENGLISH SUBTITLES ON ALL VIDEOS TURN ON "CC"◆ 以前紹介したマンケイブにあったランボルギーニムルシエラゴのオーナー杉村さんにお願いして車を運転させてもらえることになりました!日本の狭い道をスーパーカーで走行するのはまた一味違った面白さがありますね!そして初めて自分の車の助手...
◆ENGLISH SUBTITLES ON ALL VIDEOS TURN ON "CC"◆ 以前紹介したマンケイブにあったランボルギーニムルシエラゴのオーナー杉村さんにお願いして車を運転させてもらえることになりました!日本の狭い道をスーパーカーで走行するのはまた一味違った面白さがありますね!そして初めて自分の車の助手...
The following saying is simple yet it has meant a lot to me over my years of learning Japanese and living across 2 cultures: Start where you are, Use what you h...
The following saying is simple yet it has meant a lot to me over my years of learning Japanese and living across 2 cultures: Start where you are, Use what you h...
今回はフェラーリ458イタリアにドイツの有名オイルメーカー「リキモリ」の商品を使ってオイル交換をしに行ってきました!友人のジノさんがやっているGerman Auto Specialistで作業してもらいます。 ショップではリキモリの社員さんにもお会いしてお話を聞くことができました。エンジンオイル交換後のフェラーリを運転...
A Journey of 1000 miles starts with One step... this famous proverb is translatable in Japanese as well and what I have learned is that the hardest step on that...
A Journey of 1000 miles starts with One step... this famous proverb is translatable in Japanese as well and what I have learned is that the hardest step on that...
It's one syllable, its simple and easy to say yet it's impact on you and how other's perceive you is tremendous... Appreciate the power of the word NO. Steve's ...
We often wonder Why things happen... at first it may not be apparent but often there are reasons and many times pretty good ones can help you understand perhaps...
◆ENGLISH SUBTITLES ON ALL VIDEOS TURN ON "CC"◆ Today I jump into my 1971 Nissan Skyline Hakosuka and head out to meet 3 older American guys who really love Japa...