specs Displacement: 6L NA V12 Power: 748 HP Weight: 1630 Kg Power/Weight: 2,17 Kg/HP Tyres: Sport Hard Twitter: @racing_klaus Instagram:@carfreakgermany Psn: Kn...
Stop in today for a test drive of this U 2017 Mazda CX-3 Call Audi Bakersfield at (888) 352-4722 or view our full inventory: https://www.audibakersfield.com/new...
Sziasztok! Ebben a videóban egy Skylineról láthattok speedtestet. Remélem elnyerte tetszéseteket. Komment formájában jelezzétek véleményeteket a videóról és hog...
Career: PRO/AM / Coupe Clash / Audi TT RS Coupe Time Trial TIME TRIAL @ Brands Hatch / Indy Circuit Time: 00:41.939 Group A (Top 1%) Rank: 991 (+00:01.342) Glob...
Evento privado de arrancones en santa ana maya, organizado por Rennen speed club. Ese dia no tenía pensado grabar nada, pero salieron estos videos de dos pasada...
Veloce Classic & Sports Cars are pleased to offer this exceptionally rare and beautifully maintained Aston Martin V8 Vantage, LHD (European), 5 speed manual...
Veloce Classic & Sports Cars are pleased to offer this exceptionally rare and beautifully maintained Aston Martin V8 Vantage, LHD (European), 5 speed manual...
Nach dem ganzen Gequasel gehts bei 5:50 min richtig los :) Wir zeigen euch ein paar Unterschiede zwischen dem 2017er Model und dem Facelift Model. Was mir gefäl...
Saturday, December 14, 2019 Toyota Supra, BMW Z4, 330i Recalled For Failing Headlights | Small Question This isn't good news, so affected owners should cont...