2019年11月10日、埼玉県幸手市で開催された、「幸手クラシカーフェスティバル2019」の様子です。 晴天に恵まれた会場には200台の旧車、クラシックカーが集結。その様子を見に来られたギャラリーの車も、旧車が多く会場と駐車場に、たくさんの旧車が集合し、多くのファンの目を楽しませてくれました。 【使用楽曲】 Your ...
please thumbs up the video , subscribe and share and enjoy watching the wonderfull blue BMW M4 Coupe Customization - Need For Speed HEAT BMW M4 CONVERTIBLE...
Here it is: My yearly Best of Supercars in Vienna, Austria Compilation video of 2019. Although I missed cars like the Koenigegg Agera RS or a Porsche 918 Spyder...
https://www.sehgalmotors.pk/product/toyota-chr-modellista-boost-impulse-style-body-model-2017-2018#myCarousel Watch the Whole Video and Leave your Feedback in C...
Không ít luồng ý kiến cho rằng BMW X6 là một ý tưởng "khùng", ở thời điểm hãng xe Đức giới thiệu chiếc crossover coupe này ra với công chúng. Nhưng vượt lên tất...
Ceramic coated vantage v12 ceramic coating by ceramitech 9h plus and top coat. we detailed this 10 year old car, had loads of defects, paint correction was carr...
スズキ アルト ラパン 「エンジン警告灯が点灯!原因は?修理方法を説明してみた」 Suzuki ALTO Lapin '' How to replace the A/F sensor '' CBA-HE21S /D.I.Y. Challenge / Taka 【エンジン警告灯について】 エンジン警告灯は2種類、赤色と黄...
It was a really good car. I liked every stats of it (at stock) except for handling and drifting radius, it can be futhurmore improved, still that doesn’t mean i...
Cette Bmw x4 neuve disponible à B?ziers dans le 34 est mise en vente par Mini beziers - 04 67 35 10 33 - tous les détails sont sur https://www.auto-selection.co...
During a supercar meeting in The Netherlands I have filmed many supercars and sport cars arriving at the event, including a Lamborghini Aventador SVJ, McLaren S...
Tre motori elettrici a corredo di un motore termico V6 da 506CV per un totale di 586CV per migliorare l'inserimento in curva, la tenuta di strada… è il torque v...