Compare the Toyota C-HR and Mazda CX-3 and it's easy to see why the Toyota C-HR is an excellent choice. You will find great deals and financing options on the T...
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"Anything Goes" Meeting and Convoy in Forza Horizon 4 - 30th of December 2019. Driving the 2008 Aston Martin DBS James Bond Edition with Logitech G920. Share an...
2019年最後の動画です、ご挨拶も兼ねてWRXについても少し語ってみました。 →Kagemaru car & Japanese Food登録よろしくお願いします!↓
First video of my 2001 MK1 TT after engine build, she's aggressive... *Parts list and details coming in future videos, as I've done all work myself, minus every... Call or visit for a test drive of this vehicle today! Phone: (866) 318-2815 Year: 2020 Make: Mazda Model: CX-5 Trim: Touri...
前回のトラブルを修復し、また走れるようになりましが、現状に飽きてしまい、何かやってみようと、プチメンテの一部を撮影した、くだらない動画になります。 いつもながらAndroidでの撮影編集になります。 Repairing the last trouble, I can run again, but I get tired...
I did a Subaru minicar jumble at a Subaru dealer. What came out? スバル販売店でスバルミニカーのガチャガチャをしました。何が出たかな? ★★★what japan chanel subscribe here チャンネル登録はこちら★★★ https://w...
BMW X4 M 컴페티션 급 시승기입니다. 오디오도 날라가고 두 달이나 전 이라서 내용이 많이 부실하네요. 국내에서 시승할 때 다시 한번 보여 드릴 수 있으면 좋겠습니다. #X4M #X4M시승기 엔진 I6 트윈 터보 배기량 2993cc 최고출력(ps) 510/6250 최대토크(kg.m)...