3 Easy Ways to Tell the Difference between the LaFerrari and the LaFerrari Aperta!

Hey Everybody! In today's video, I explain 3 easy tricks to quickly tell the difference between the LaFerrari and the LaFerrari Aperta. These are two amazing cars, very similar yet completely different, so it's important to be able to distinguish between them. Both the LaFerrari and LaFerrari Aperta I showed on the dealer website are currently for sale if you are interested! The links are provided below.

Thank you very much for watching! I would really appreciate it if you could like, comment, and subscribe. Please let me know if you liked this because there are so many other tips that I can explain for other hard to tell cars as well.
I can't wait to see you next time,
- Robbie

Link to Hollmann International: https://hollmann.international/
Link to Joe Macari Dealership: http://joemacari.com/All-Cars-for-Sale/

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