Sunday routine with GTR R34 V-Spec ii

When Nissan Skyline GTR R34 v-spec-ii fetched me from the airport, I can say it is a dream come true. Last 2018, aku pergi menunaikan Umrah with my family, and one of doa aku is "Ya Allah, permudahkan lah segala urusan aku, agar suatu hari nanti aku boleh beli my dream car R32 and R34" yes guys aku literally sebut the model of the car. Maybe Allah jawab, aku belum ready to own one, but Let Me give you a taste of GTR. One day, good friend of mine , Afzal Reza ,chat me and ask my package to do a car photoshoot. AKU MEMANG DAH GILA GILA sebab aku tau recently he bought Nissan Skyline GTR R34. but then, aku masih at KL. Once aku go back to Miri , Sarawak, he fetch me with that sickkkk R34, I was like jumping around (not literally but internally and physically is calm). so yeah, this is simple videoshoot sebab aku focus more on photography. and this video is just insert sikit sikit. so, if you like the video, do comments, subscribe and for sure in the future I will make a review about this precious creature haha thank you !

Owner : Afzal Reza

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