Restoration Ferrari 458 Italia | Abandoned supercar restoration |Rebuild and restore

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Restoration Abandoned Model Ferrari 458 Italia

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Restoration Ferrari 458 Italia | Rust model supercar Ferrari 458 Italia restoration
I am working in horticulture accidentally discovered a model supercar that is lamborghini veneno a dream car of many people around the world. I want to restoration that car for my son. I hope my kids will like it. I personally like the car even though they're just model cars
Unfortunately, I cannot stamp lamborghini veneno for the car but they are very nice and elegant
Thank you for following my videos and channels
Details of my restoration channel:

Hello everyone I'm a car mechanic living in Europe and I fell in love with cars when I was just a kid probably just like you.
I make these videos as a hobby and upload once every 2 weeks beacuse I'm busy with work.
I've seen some comments saying "the video is staged","you put the car and then found it","not a real restoration".
Of course I put a car somewhere and find it,but not to deceive you and make it look like it was abandoned.
I do it because I think it makes a good intro into a video.
I own a lot and I mean a lot of these model cars which I buy from local markets damaged really cheap and then fix to add to my collection.
And for people saying not a real restoraion, I do make cars look more damaged for the thumbnails to make it more interesting,
challenging and of course to get more views,because that is literally the goal of every youtuber to get views.
So before making one of these obvious comments if you don't like the content just block the channel and youtube will never recommend my video to you.
Thank you to everyone who subscribed to my channel if you have a car you would like to see type it in the comments and I will try to find it.
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Restaurimi Ferrari 458 Italia | Restaurimi i braktisur i supercar | Rindërtoni dhe rivendosni
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Restauration Ferrari 458 Italia | Restauration de supercar abandonnée | Reconstruire et restaurer
#Restaurointi Ferrari 458 Italia | Hylätty superautojen kunnostaminen | Rakenna ja palauta
Restorasi Ferrari 458 Italia | Restorasi supercar yang ditinggalkan | Bangun kembali dan pulihkan
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恢复法拉利458 Italia | 废弃的超级跑车修复|重建和还原
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Restauráció Ferrari 458 Italia | Elhagyott szuper autó felújítása | Újjáépítés és helyreállítás
Restaurierung Ferrari 458 Italia | Verlassene Supercar-Restaurierung | Wiederaufbau und Wiederherstellung
Restauro Ferrari 458 Italia | Restauro di supercar abbandonate | Ricostruzione e restauro
Реставрация Ferrari 458 Италия | Заброшенный суперкар реставрация | Восстановление и восстановление
Restauração Ferrari 458 Italia | Restauração de supercarro abandonada | Reconstruir e restaurar
Restaurare Ferrari 458 Italia | Restaurarea supercarilor abandonate | Reconstruirea și restaurarea
Restauración Ferrari 458 Italia | Restauración abandonada de superdeportivos | Reconstruir y restaurar
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