Lotus Exige Walkthrough - What S$300k gets you (or doesn't get you) CarBuyer.com.sg

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Ju-Len walks and talks you through the 2020 Lotus Exige Sport 350 and shows us what the superlight S$300k sportscar is like outside and in, as well as one reason why Lotus drivers are always driving so fast!

00:36 - intro
00:37 - how to get into a Lotus Exige without spraining your ass
1:02 - Interior basics, starting up, Sport mode, Race mode
1:48 - Mystery Button 1
2:07 - Mystery Button 2
2:23 - Mystery Button 3
2:32 - How to adjust the mirrors
2:50 - AC, basic stereo etc.
3:18 - What you see in the rearview mirror?
3:52 - Why do Lotus drivers drive so quickly?
4:07 - Gear shifter and open linkage
4:43 - Where do I put my phone?

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Content copyright CarBuyer Singapore / CarBuyer.com.sg 2019 /2020
Presenting, videography, production, photos by Leow Ju-Len
Editing, music, photos by Derryn Wong
Opening and closing animations by Faiz Yusri
