etrailer.com Trailer Hitch Receiver Installation - 2016 Mazda CX-5 - etrailer.com

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Full transcript: https://www.etrailer.com/tv-install-etrailer-class-3-trailer-hitch-receiver-2016-mazda-cx-5-e98902.aspx
Rob: Rob here at etrailer.com and today we're going to be taking a look at the etrailer class three custom fit trailer hitch receiver on our 2016 Mazda CX5. Now our etrailer hitch is going to have a really clean appearance on here because the cross tube is going to be completely hidden behind the bumper and the only thing we're going to see is that receiver tube sticking out. Now a hitch can be good for a lot of different things. We can put a cargo carrier in here, make a little bit more room on the inside of our CX5. But if we want to hit the trails with some friends, put a bike rack in there and take some bikes with us or if we need to move a camper, a trailer or even a jet ski trailer, go down to the lake, we can put that in there. But regardless of how we're going to use our hitch, all of our accessories are going to mount to the hitch pin hole here on the side and our hitch is going to accept a standard 5/8 pin and clip.Now these are not going to be included with the hitch.

But you can pick them up here at etrailer.com along with some locking devices and anti-rattle devices to make sure your accessories are going to be secure and to cut down on that noise when you're driving down the road. Our safety chain connection point is going to be a loop style welded to the bottom of the receiver tube. We should have plenty of room to get most size hooks on or off, even the large ones or if we have some smaller hooks. Now if you're looking for a hitch for your CX5, you obviously want to make sure it's going to be up to the task that we put it to. So as far as the weight rating goes, our hitch is going to have a 600 pound tongue weight.

That's to be the maximum downward force at the end of the receiver tube.To put that in perspective, that'll be plenty of weight to carry even up to four or five bikes on a bike rack or we can really maximize the carrying capacity of those really large cargo carriers. Our hitch is also going to have a 6,000 pound gross trailer weight rating. That's how much it can pull. But keep in mind that does include the trailer and everything we have loaded on it. But also, you do want to double check your CX5's owner's manual and never exceed the manufacturer's recommended weight.

So you want to go with the lowest rating between the car and the hitch. I'd like to give you a few measurements. These are going to help you whenever you're looking for accessories for your new hitch, like a ball mount, a bike rack or even a cargo carrier. From the center of the hitch pin hole to the outermost edge of the bumper, you're right at about three and a half inches.That measurement is going to help you out when you're looking at folding accessories to make sure you have enough room and they're not going to come in contact with the rear bumper. From the ground to the inside top edge of the receiver tube opening, it's right about 13 and a half inches and that measurement is going to help you when you're looking for a ball mount so you can find the appropriate rise or drops so you can match it up to your trailer.

But at that height, I would also recommend a cargo carrier or a bike rack with a raised shank. That way we get a little bit more ground clearance out of it. But now that we've seen what our hitch looks like and gone over some of the features, let's do the installation together. To begin our installation, we want to come to the back of our CX5 and we're going to need to lower down our exhaust.But before we do, we want to put up some kind of support device, whether it's a strap or a stand to prevent the exhaust from coming down too far. So I'm just going to find a solid connecting point on my Mazda, hook the strap on. I'm going to tighten it up and we can always loosen it up once we get everything unhooked. Then we're going to move back to where the muffler is and on each side we'll have one at the very back, right by our bumper and then just forward of the tail pipe, we're going to have another exhaust hanger and we're going to have the same ones on the other side as well. So our goal here is to slide that rubber isolator off the post. So I'm just going to take some spray lubricant. I'm going to spray it on the hanger and the isolator.I'm just going to take a pry bar and I'm going to use my muffler to pry against and slide that rubber isolator off the inaudible 00:03:41 and we're going to repeat that process for the other three remaining i
