Bentley - Extraordinary Women

Bentley Motors has announced the launch of the third edition of its Extraordinary Women mentorship programme. Designed to encourage and develop the next generation of young female leaders, this year the initiative will involve students, universities and inspirational female Pioneers from the United Kingdom and Qatar.

The Extraordinary Women mentorship programme is organised in collaboration with the University of Bath, Loughborough, Warwick and Manchester Metropolitan in the UK and the University of Doha for Science in Technology in Qatar.

The programme focuses specifically on female students in the fields of engineering, design, technology, and business, and is a component of Bentley’s wider commitment to diversity and inclusion, which falls under its Beyond100 strategy. It was created and crafted to encourage women to explore a variety of career paths in the STEM and automotive sectors.

Eight students from the UK and Qatar will be selected to embark on the programme, which will involve one-on-one mentorship by specially selected, high-achieving women – the inspirational Pioneers – and will culminate in a week-long visit to Bentley’s headquarters in Crewe, England, this June.
