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2017 Mazda CX-3 - Navigation Manual - PDF (92 Pages)
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2017 Mazda CX-3 - Navigation Manual - PDF (92 Pages)

Download free PDF manual [https://cars-manuals.com/product/cx-3-2017-navigation-manual/]

Manual Description
The four route alternatives are displayed next to the selected route planning method. The application can warn you when you approach road safety cameras like speed cameras or dangerous areas like school zones or railroad crossings. The warning for road safety cameras is disabled when you are in a country where road safety camera warning is prohibited.

You can select how much time delay on the alternative route you are willing to accept. Charge roads are pay roads where you can purchase a pass or vignette to use the road for a longer period of time. Scroll the screen downward to display the setting behind the lower part of the screen.

One daytime scheme and one nighttime scheme is always selected for the map and for the menus. Various other types of proximity alert points like school zones and railway crossings are also available.

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